Board elections take place every December. Board officers are determined by the board at the January board meeting.
Your current Chamber of Commerce Officers and Board of Directors:
2022 Officers:
Dan Kubit – President, Hilton East Community Relations Director
Myke Merrill – Vice President, Signs Garments and More
Gary Penny – Treasurer, ABC Basset Rescue
Maureen Werner– Secretary, Schum & Werner, PLLC
Remaining Board of Directors:
Joe Lee, Village Mayor (Board of Directors through 2022)
Jan Miller, Shoreline Design (Board of Directors through 2022)
George Heinrich, Heinrich Collision (Board of Directors through 2022)
Tina Murray, Howard Hannah Realtors (Board of Directors through 2022)
Peter Miles, Hilton Family Pharmacy (Board of Directors through 2022)
Sarah Simon, Ambit Energy (Board of Directors through 2022)
Casey Kosiorek, Superintendent, Hilton Central School District (ex-officio)
Ann Schifano, Sunshine Lady (Emeritus)